Season 2

A New Era

Get ready for a massive update! We've been hard at work bringing you a heap of new features and improvements. From a revamped housing system with customizable interiors to a powerful new attachment system, there's something for everyone. Experience streamlined gameplay with our vMenu update, featuring enhanced chat, convenient item access, and improved teleportation options. Explore a host of gameplay refinements, including improved gun cleaning, blood donations, and vehicle mechanics. We've also addressed numerous bug fixes and optimized various aspects of the server for a smoother and more immersive experience. Dive into a new era of BCRP with us!

Enhanced Housing Interactions

Experience improved interactions within the housing system.

Bills and Debt System

Stay on top of your payments to avoid losing your properties!

Weapon Customization Unleashed

Customize your weapons with a variety of attachments.

Law Enforcement Upgrades

Law enforcement officers can use a 3D editor to modify every aspect of their weapons.

Civilian Customization on the Horizon

Civilian purchases for attachments are planned soon.

Share Your Story with the World

Twoots now show up in global chat making it even easier to interact with other players.

Pistol Power-Ups

Acquire pistols and magazines via xmenu with a short cooldown.

Daily Rewards

Receive daily gifts through the xMenu as a login bonus. The more consecutive days you claim, the better the rewards become!

Radar Control at Your Fingertips

Toggle radar visibility on/off while on foot.

Improved Motorcycle Handling

Experience improved motorcycle handling for a smoother riding experience including mid air controls.

Anonymous Tweeting Unleashed

Customize your Twooter handler for anonymous tweets.

Revamped Health System

Health and revive systems have been updated for a smoother gameplay experience.

Community Care: Blood Donations & Transfusions

Contribute to the community by donating blood for transfusions, you even get a cookie!

Efficient Evidence Handling

Efficiently search and confiscate items during investigations.

Fuel Your Adventures

Stay energized with functional Energy Drinks and Bars.

Vehicle Forensics

Gather vehicle paint chips as evidence for law enforcement investigations.

Turbocharged Excitement

Experience the thrill of high-speed driving with the turbo option in xMenu.

No Escape for Disconnected Criminals

Rob players who disconnect during roleplay scenes.

Convenient Respawn Locations

Respawn conveniently at the nearest hospital or police department.

Sim Card Clarity

Easily identify sim card numbers with the new hover feature.

Paleto Payday

Receive your paycheck at the convenient Paleto Bay pickup location.

Parachute Perfection

Parachutes can be obtained via xmenu.

Expanded Benny's Network

Explore 6 new Benny's locations strategically placed around the map.

Effortless Benny's Navigation

Easily locate all Benny's locations with convenient blips and toggle options in xMenu settings.

Personalize Your Ride

Personalize your vehicle collection by renaming your saved vehicles.

Seamless Gameplay Resumption

Seamlessly resume your gameplay by spawning at your last location after relogging or a crash.

Become a Lifesaver

Assist fellow players in need by reviving them with bloodbags.

Enhanced Heal UI

Experience an improved heal UI with the ability to 'Help Up' other players.

Less Lethal LEOs

Law enforcement officers can now use beanbag shotguns.

Expanded Medical Care

Access additional hospital beds for improved medical care.

Balanced Law Enforcement

Experience a more balanced law enforcement system with reduced resist cuff cooldowns.

Efficient Evidence Disposal

Efficiently dispose of empty evidence bags by right-clicking to discard them.

Access All Law Enforcement Locations

LEO/FD can access all hospitals, fire departments and police stations as quick spawn points.

A Cleaner Gameplay Environment

Delete disabled vehicles for a cleaner and more organized gameplay environment.